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Recent statistics reveal that there are currently two primary methods for obtaining treasure maps in the "Embers of Neltharion" underground fortress:
Blue Chests in the Underground Fortress: Each blue chest has a drop rate of approximately 4.5% (calculated as 1723 out of 38150), meaning that with two chests, players have a combined drop rate of around 9%.
Zekoville Encounters: Players can also acquire treasure maps from random encounters with Zekoville in the underground fortress, boasting a higher drop rate of about 18.1% (317 out of 1742).
Importantly, current data indicates that there is no cap on the number of treasure maps that can be obtained. This means that players aiming for 610 gear can continue farming these maps without limit!
With these opportunities, players are encouraged to maximize their runs in the underground fortress, enhancing their chances of securing valuable treasure maps and the coveted gear that comes with them. Happy hunting!