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Ever since Burning Crusade Classic launched everybody has been scrambling to max out their characters and start jumping into some of the juicy new content. There’s definitely plenty to do in the new expansion but you’ll need lots of gold in order to truly enjoy everything TBC Classic has to offer. There are many ways of getting your hands on a bunch of gold in TBC Classic, however, most of the methods are very time-consuming and often downright annoying. Don’t worry, though, because in this article we’re going to show you 5 gold making techniques that are remarkably simple.
All the gold making methods we’re going to discuss today revolve around buying and selling things on the auction house. Because of that you will need a little bit of gold in order to get things started. Whether you want to buy WoW TBC gold directly from an authorized seller or farm it yourself is entirely up to you. Aside from that, you’ll also need a good amount of patience. You likely won’t get rich overnight using any of these methods but they are great if you’re looking for a guaranteed way of making consistent gold in TBC Classic.
Booty Bay and Stranglethorn Vale, in general, aren’t nearly as populated as they used to be in Classic WoW, giving players better opportunities to level up without running into members of the opposite faction. But even more importantly, this lack of players also gives you better opportunities to take advantage of some of the recipes sold by the various vendors around Booty Bay. There’s one place, in particular, you’ll want to focus on and that’s the building known as The Old Port Authority. Inside, there are multiple vendors but you’ll only need to visit three of them.
First off, go to Zarena Cromwind and look for the recipe needed to craft the Moonsteel Broadsword. This green quality sword doesn’t seem very valuable at first glance but there are plenty of players looking for the recipe because the item is needed for a quest. As it happens, Zerena only keeps one copy of the recipe in stock, which makes it fairly rare. A similar situation can be found with the schematic for the Accurate Scope, which is sold by Mazk Snipeshot. The NPC is just across Zarena so make sure to check for the schematic while you’re there.
Also in the area you can find a cook by the name of Kelsey Yance. This NPC sells a bunch of valuable recipes, including the ones for Filet of Redgill, Hot Smoked Bass, Cooked Glossy Mightfish, and Giant Clam Scorcho. You can make a lot of gold in TBC Classic by simply flipping these recipes on the auction house. Naturally, the profit you can expect will vary depending on your server.
From Booty Bay you’ll want to make your way over to Gadgetzan to look for even more gold making opportunities. Your first stop is Alchemist Pestlezugg who sells the recipes for the Philosopher’s Stone, Transmute Iron to Gold, and Transmute Arcanite. All of these sell pretty well on the auction house so don’t hesitate to grab a few. The alchemist also sells the recipe Transmute Mithril to Truesilver, which may or may not be profitable depending on your server. Make sure to check the prices on the auction house before you decide to buy this one.
Also in Gadgetzan you’ll want to stop by the gunsmith Blizrik Buckshot and check to see if he has the schematic for EZ Dynamite Thro II in stock. He only keeps one around so you may want to park an alt there in case you can’t find it on your first try. The last vendor you’ll want to drop by is the blacksmith Krinkle Goodsteel and he sells the recipe for Golden Scale Coif. Similar to the gunsmith, Krinkle only keeps one of these in stock, making the recipe pretty rare. If you do manage to find it, you can expect it to sell for a good amount of gold in TBC Classic.
Silithus is easily one of the least visited areas in WoW Burning Crusade Classic and that’s exactly why some of the items you can find here are selling so well on the auction house. Getting there is a bit of pain if you don’t already have the flight path but the hassle is well worth it. Once you’ve made you’re way to Silithus head over to the Cenarion Hold inn and check upstairs for an NPC called Kania.
Kania sells a bunch of enchanting recipes along with some bag patterns. Feel free to check the ah to see what sells on your server but generally we recommend getting the recipes for Lesser Mana Oil, Wizard Oil, and especially Enchanted Runecloth Bag. While you’re there, you might also want to stock up on some of the basic materials needed to start leveling up Enchanting, such as Strange Dust, Lesser Magic Essence, and Simple Wood. These mats are very cheap to buy and you can generally flip them for a nice amount of gold in TBC Classic.
The first Outland zone you’ll want to visit is Hellfire Peninsula. Here, you’ll want to go to either Thrallmar or Honor Hold depending on your faction. Visit the inn there and get your hands on the cooking recipe for Ravager Dog. These usually sell for quite a bit of gold. Also inside the inn you can find a gem vendor that has a variety of items for sale. Some of these can be very valuable on some servers but most probably won’t be. We can’t really recommend any particular gems for flipping on the auction house. It’s up to you to experiment and see what works on your server. Same goes with the nearby vendor that sells jewelcrafting designs.
You can run around a bit more in the main town to try and find other recipes that you might be able to sell for a lot of gold in TBC Classic. Once you’re done, head over to the second town in Hellfire Peninsula, which is called Temple of Telhamat for Alliance and Falcon Watch for Horde. There, you’ll need to look for the Reagents vendor in the hope of finding the recipe for the Runed Adamantine Rod. Buying this recipe will cost you almost 10 gold so it’s definitely not cheap but you can flip it on most servers for 20-25 gold. A nice profit and you can be sure that it will always sell like hotcakes because the Runed Adamantine Rod is a highly sought-after item by enchanters in Burning Crusade Classic.
Up to this point Horde and Alliance players had been able to find the recipes we discussed in the same zone but things work a bit differently with these next ones. The first one we’re interested in is the recipe for the Ethernium Rod, which can be bought from Mari Stonehand in the Wildhammer Stronghold in Shadowmoon Valley if you’re playing Alliance. If you’re Horde, you can find the recipe at Rohok in Thrallmar in Hellfire Peninsula. Either way, this is a recipe you’re definitely want to get your hands on because it sells for a lot of gold in TBC Classic. Both vendors also sell the plans for the Lesser Ward of Shielding, an item that’s not quite as valuable but might still fetch a nice profit on some servers.
The last two recipes we wanted to mention can both be found at the same vendor, who is located in the same place regardless of whether you’re playing Horde or Alliance. The vendor in question is Arrond and he can be found at the Sanctum of the Stars in Shadowmoon Valley. Arrond sells the patterns for the Imbued Netherweave Robe and the Imbued Netherweave Tunic, two very valuable recipes that can be used to craft rare quality level 70 cloth gear. He only keeps one of each recipe in stock so getting your hands on them could be challenging but definitely worth the hassle if you manage to pull it off. The patterns sell for almost 6 gold each but you can flip them for about 30-40 gold on the auction house.
The best way of making sure you can buy these limited stock recipes, and this applies to the previously discussed ones as well, is to keep an alt character parked next to the vendor at all times. If you’re truly serious about making gold in TBC Classic the easy way you’ll also want to consider checking the vendors late at night when most players as sleeping.